All students attending Chicago State University, contributing to the Health Fee and
with a valid CSU Identification Card are eligible to use the Wellness/Health Center.
Additional charges may be assessed for office visits and some services not covered
by Health Insurance including some immunizations, pharmacy, laboratory and office
The Wellness/Health Center is not an emergency department. In the event of an emergency,
immediately notify University Police at EXT. 2111 to call for an ambulance! If you
are in need of immediate medical attention, the nearest hospitals equipped to handle
emergencies are:
Trinity Hospital
2320 East 93rd Street
Chicago, IL 60617
Phone: (773) 967-2000
Roseland Community Hospital
45 West 111th Street
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: (773) 995-3000
Wellness Office
Location: Cook ADM 131
Phone: (773) 995-2011
By appointment only. No walk-ins. Masks required for service.